Monday, October 15, 2018

"Can't Beat It, Ban It!"

That’s the regular liberal mantra. If they can’t beat you, they ban you! That’s why they banned Alex Jones on Facebook. He was so successful in scotching their plans and letting the world know what they were doing, they HAD TO get him banned, so he would not be quite so successful in ruining their plans. That big mouthed teenager, David Hogg tried to shut Laura Ingraham up, but he failed. TWICE. Facebook is trying to silence every conservative voice they can, and so is Twitter. Which makes me glad I don’t use either of their platforms as a main outlet. I’m on both, but only usually as a watcher. To watch and see what kinds of crap they come up with. The liberals are trying everything they can to shut conservatives up. Notice when Facebook or Twitter “dump” somebody, it’s usually NEVER a liberal. It’s a conservative. They TRY to pass it off as “getting rid of hate speech,” but while they remove conservative commentators, they have not a thing to say about such people as “Calypso Louie” Farrakhan, while he advocates ARMED VIOLENCE on their pages. Shutting up criticism is what “political correctness” is all about. That way they can CENSOR people while CLAIMING to be trying to “return to civil speech.” And every action toward “political correctness” seems strangely to be against CONSERVATIVE speech. (Just common sense)

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