Tuesday, February 20, 2018

They're Really Frightened

Liberals are badly frightened that conservatives might actually get their message out, and they have nothing with which to oppose it, except to shut them up. so everywhere ANY conservative goes to speak on any college campus, they organize a "demonstration" that often becomes a VIOLENT demonstration to keep them from being able to speak. They have no real arguments they can make for their side, so they sponsor violent demonstrations to shut them up. They KNOW that if they are allowed to speak, many students will realize how damned fool THEIR arguments are. so they HAVE TO shut them up. In Berkeley, California (a "liberal Mecca) students made such a violent protest of one conservative speaker that the university canceled many other conservative speakers to avoid another violent "demonstration." In Portland, Oregon, a demonstrator disabled the sound system to stop a conservative from being able to speak. There's a liberal campaign to get rid of freedom of speech. Liberals want no opposition to their foolish stupidities and they do violence to keep us from getting the truth out. (Constitution)

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