Friday, February 16, 2018

Now He's A Racist

Liberals are, even now, publishing stories (based on claims by real white supremacists, of course) that the killer of 17 mostly kids in a Broward County, Florida school was a member of a white supremacist group. Anything to inject racism, particularly the black against white racism, into it. That's their story, and they're stickin' to it. The same people who would rather crawl over broken grass than say the words, "Islamic terrorist" easily buy this story. Unfortunately, for them, the cops have a higher standard for evidence. The cops tell us they have found NO EVIDENCE that he had any connection to ANY "white supremacy" KKK-like group. But they don't want to hear that, so they ignore it, or ridicule it, claiming the cops are lying to hide his white supremacy. Lack of evidence has never stopped liberals from pursuing a false narrative, as witness the "Russian Collusion" narrative they've been pursuing ever since Donald Trump was elected president. They still can't figure out why, so they WANT to believe the "Russian Collusion" scam. But that's another story. (Clash Daily)

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