Tuesday, February 20, 2018

"Common Sense" Gun Control?

Talk about a contradiction in terms! Gun control itself is NOT "common sense." The fools who call it that really ought to be smart enough to understand that, but they aren't. Not one single gun control law they've made has done a single thing to reduce "gun violence," because they don't apply to those who do not obey laws. They only apply to those who DO obey laws, and they are not the problem. To show you how stupid these people are, note this: they now want to ban or regulate MUZZLE LOADERS! As if a muzzle loader were actually something really dangerous in this day and age. It only takes a little longer to load one than it takes to play a football game, and anyone who felt threatened by it could take a club and bash the brains out of the potential shooter while he's loading it. We keep explaining their stupidity to the anti-gun fools, but they're too stupid to take notice, or even try to answer our charges. (Richmond Times-Dispatch)

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