Wednesday, February 28, 2018
"Deep State" Fights Back
In case you're wondering why Dumocrats hate Trump so much, I can tell
you. It's because he PROMISED to "drain the swamp," and
that's exactly what he is doing. He's "upsetting many
applecarts" in the swamp. And he's being successful at it, which
frightens them, no end. So they are dedicated to getting rid of Trump
before he can complete the job and get to them, no matter what they have to do, what
lies they must tell, or what laws they must break. In this, they have
the complete cooperation of the liberal media, which refuses
absolutely to run stories about his success. He has done more in just
one year than all former presidents, put together. And that list
includes Obama, whose "accomplishments" were mostly to
disenfranchise this government. They not only refuse to run positive
stories about him, they LIE about him, every day--with one major
which tells both sides of ALL stories. The liberal media constantly runs false
stories, based on UNNAMED imaginary "sources" that can
neither be proved, or disproved.
And they hate Fox
as much as they hate Trump, because they DO tell the truth--which
they hate.
(Just common sense)
Trump's Personl Insults
There are some people, even some of his supporters, who don't like it
when Trump personally insults someone on Twitter. This is wrong.
Liberals were also very insulting to George Bush, but he never
answered. And they managed to make him a very low rated president.
Something he did not deserve. Trump has decided that he will NOT
accept their insults without a response,
will not allow them to ruin his reputation without opposition,
and he's right to do so. If the liberals are allowed to lie about him
on a regular basis, he should be allowed to respond, in kind. They
call his beautiful wife a whore.
somebody did that to MY wife, I'd punch him
in the mouth. But
Trump can't do that. What he CAN do is respond, in kind, to their
insults, hopefully to blunt their effectiveness. And he does. He does
it well. He makes them "jump up and down" with his Tweets.
Yes, other presidents didn't "Tweet." That's because
Tweeting did not exist for most of them and it takes things like that
to "catch on" for politicians. I'm sure more
and more politicians will be Tweeting in the future because it's an
tool. Liberals hate it when Trump does it because they didn't think
of it first, and his Tweets enrage them. They are SUPPOSED to enrage
The more they whine, the more effective are
the Tweets.
(Just common sense)
"Tax Break for the Rich?"
Another Dumocrat LIE is that every tax cut for EVERYBODY (INCLUDING
the rich) is always painted by Dumocrats as ONLY a "tax break
for the rich." Yes, it is. But it is also a tax break for
EVERYBODY. And the rich are entitled to a tax break commensurate with
what they BRING to the economy. They bring more to the economy by
their very efforts to make more money, so they are ENTITLED to a
higher return,
They also blandly tell us that "the rich don't pay their fair
share," when the rich pay MOST of the income taxes paid. By the
government's own figures, the top 1% pay 39% of taxes paid, according
to the IRS. The IRS has no reason to lie about that, so you have to
believe it. But Dumocrats not only don't believe it, they LIE to us
and tell us the "rich don't pay their fair share." "About
1.7 million Americans, less than 1 percent of our population, pay
70.6 percent of federal income taxes. Is that fair, or do you think
they should pay more?" The Dumocrats LIE to you on a regular
basis. Believe that. The evidence is right there before you. (The Daily Signal)
Tuesday, February 27, 2018
We "Promise" Protection
Liberals like to blame Trump, or the NRA for the mass shooting at
that Florida
Anything but the REAL reason.
But the real blame belongs right in Obama's pocket, because he came
up with the "Promise"
caused juvenile criminals to NOT be arrested for their "minor"
crimes, Therefore,
their names would NOT appear on the background
check lists the "authorities" use to determine who will
have the right to buy a gun. So people like the Florida killer would
be able to easily pass such background checks and buy the guns they
will use to kill a bunch of children LEGALLY, as Cruz did. Even after
39 visits by the cops, the MURDERS of many pets, and PUBLISHING, on
his social media sites, his INTENTION to kill people. Not only that,
the FBI got a DETAILED account
of his activities that scared the hell out of me, but caused the FBI
to do NOTHING. His "Promise"
Program began in Chicago, and we know how successful
it was there. Yet it spread, and is being used in several places in
the country, INCLUDING Florida. Yet nobody in the anti-gun fool camp
will blame that program. Instead, they blame their favorite "whipping
boy," the NRA, or their most recent
"whipping boy," President Trump. Ignorance, personified.
(The Last Refuge)
Two Major Democrat Lies
first one is that Trump's tax reduction will increase the national
debt. It will NOT. There has never been a time when a tax reduction
increased the national debt. Another is that a tax reduction reduces
the amount of the "tax take." It does NOT. There has never
been a (non-targeted) tax reduction that has reduced
the tax "take." when Reagan did it, the "tax tke"
almost DOUBLED. When both Clinton and Bush
did it, the "tax take " INCREASED because the tax reduction
spurred economic activity and created more income, therefore
increased "tax take."
Dumocrats would tell the truth (which they won't),
they would
admit this. But
they continue to DENY it, in the face of sure
they're LYING. But
they keep on lying
because people who "pay no attention to politics" but still
vote, buy their bullsh-t. The Dumocrats have a number of swindles
they regularly work on
the taxpayer. These are two. Another is the "baseline budgeting"
where each department is given a 10% INCREASE
in their budget each year. And if Congress or the president reduces
that INCREASE by say, 3%, is is labeled a "CUT." When
it is only a reduction in the INCREASE. (Just common sense)
Today's Gun Save
Anti-gun fools say it never happens. They say concealed carriers are
more likely to shoot themselves than anybody else. They say that the
average person carrying a gun NEVER is able to stop violence from
being committed. They're WRONG. And today's “gun save” proves it,
again: An
Idaho woman saw a thug trying to break into
her house and threatened him with a gun,
He fled, and was captured trying to break into yet another house.
Obviously didn't learn his lesson. He is now in jail.
Proving yet again that the anti-gun fools have no idea what they're
talking about, and that they get people killed with their ignorance.
They keep telling us this doesn't happen, and we keep showing them it
DOES. But they keep on telling us it doesn't, in the face of sure
evidence that it DOES happen, every day. (Idaho Statesman)
Monday, February 26, 2018
Selective News "Reporting"
CNN made a big thing of USING frightened teenagers who survived the
Florida school killings in Broward County Because they think that can
feed their silly narrative to get rid of the Second Amendment, along
with every LEGAL gun in this country. That this would leave the users
of ILLEGAL guns still in possession of their guns to use to victimize
the law-abiding doesn't seem to bother them. Meanwhile, they never
hold a "forum" for the mothers and fathers of the victims
of gang killings in Chicago, where the gun laws are so tight, and
stop NO gun killings. I guess they aren't interested in promoting the
TRUTH. The truth is, NONE of their highly touted "gun laws"
do ANYTHING to stop, or even slow down "gun violence." They want
to not only IGNORE that, they want to HIDE it from the view of people
who pay only peripheral attention to the news. You know, the people
who ignorantly support those useless laws.
truth, again, is that in every city controlled by liberals (who are
all anti-gun fools), the number of gun killings remains HIGH. But
they don't want you to know that. (CNS News)
"Founded On Gun Control"
what liberal anti-gun
Ed Asner says, that "America was founded on gun control."
As usual, he's 100% WRONG. America was founded BECAUSE of an attempt
by the British to take away the colonists' guns. He can't deny that,
but he will, of course. People like him don't feel bound by facts.
They think things are how they WANT them to be. Again, they're
pushing that old, tired "militia" LIE, trying to define the
Second Amendment to be there to keep guns out of the hands of
everybody but
militia members. Of course, that there was NO such thing as an
"organized militia" in existence at
the time doesn't
seem to make much difference to them in their zeal to take guns away
from all LAW-ABIDING Americans. Forget the law-BREAKERS, who don't
bother to follow ANY of their useless laws. The Supreme Court has
affirmed the fact that the right of EVERY AMERICAN to be armed in the
"Heller Decision." I doubt if a washed-up actor and a
comedy writer will make much
difference to anybody but other anti-gun fools. (News Busters)
Anti-Gun Fool Cracks
the time they come out with their statements that tell us just how
IGNORANT they are. One of the latest is this one: "Republicans
only want reciprocity because they want more people to die."
That's almost as ignorant a crack as Rep. Peelosi's crack that,"We
must pass the (Obamacare) bill to find out what's in it." I
can't believe such ignorant people are in charge of making laws for
the rest of us. They fervently believe that CRIMINALS, who obey NO
laws, will somehow OBEY the laws they make. And they're surprised
when they do not. They really think they can actually ELIMINATE the
millions of (legal) guns out there. Of course, they have nothing to
say about the millions of ILLEGAL guns out there. They regard the
reciprocity bill to be bad "because it allows known violent
people to come into our schools," completely ignoring the fact
that people with ILLEGAL guns are usually already there, because they
don't bother to OBEY "no-gun zones." They bring their guns
everywhere they go, and to hell with the laws made by these fools.
(USA Today)
Friday, February 23, 2018
They Think They're Qualified
Just because Trump got elected president, Oprah thinks she's
qualified to run in 2020. Chelsea Handler and Jennifer Lawrence are
two more actors who think that, all of a sudden, they're "political
experts" and can beat Trump at his own game.
They think beating Trump will be easy.
Then there's George Clooney, who has his own sexual harassment
problems. None of these liberals have anything to offer the
electorate, but they think they do, Which is illustrative of their
ignorance of just what politics is all about. There are others, but I
don't think any of them can muster the support of intelligent people
they would need to even get on the ballot. And then they have that
Trump mountain to climb. They hate his guts, but he insists on
continuing to successfully
his election promises while "clearing the swamp." Getting
rid of the "swamp dwellers" who regard our tax money as
their own, and will do anything to "cut themselves a piece of
the pie."
Clooney thinks "charitable giving" and gun control are the
keys to his success. Nobody knows what Oprah is counting on, except
name recognition and giving away Cadillacs while not paying the
taxes. What none of them understands is, there's a lot more to the
Trump success than just name recognition. I think they should ALL
run, and learn just how small their minds really are. Clooney thinks
being president would be "fun." Which further illustrates
his ignorance. (Constitution)
He "Likely" Did It
The liberal media sprinkles many words in its "fake news"
reports. words such as "likely" that they think absolve
them of blame when their "reports" are proven false. But
those words are designed to be ignored by the reader. such as the
word, "likely" in the report about a mass shooting, where
the killer is described as "likely" to have gotten his guns
through "private sales," at a gun show, one of their
"bugaboos." They SAY that would absolve him
of the necessity of submitting to a background check, which would
have revealed a previous felony conviction, and disallowed the sale
of his guns. But that's a typical anti-gun fool LIE. Gun sales at gun
shows DO require background checks. He is just as "likely"
to have STOLEN them or bought them ILLEGALLY in a back alley
somewhere. which would BE a "private sale," but one they
cannot control. They use this ploy on a regular basis, so be sure to
NOTICE the use of such words.
The shooter's father said that, "He 'PROBABLY'
got his guns at a gun show." Not the most reliable source, since
his father was earlier arrested for violating a restraining order by
"stalking" nurses at that same "retirement home."
is another of "those words." (Bearing Arms)
Banned Guns Killed Hundreds
In Egypt, where automatic weapons are BANNED for use by citizens (but
not for the government agents, of course), Islamic terrorists used
them to murder more than 200 Egyptian Muslims who were attending a
Mosque. They used a bomb to get them to flee the Mosque, then shot
them down like dogs as they fled, Then later, they, themselves, were
blown to kingdom come by the government, which tracked them down and
blew them to hell. Oops! I bet they didn't expect that! But the whole
point here is that the very guns they used were BANNED in a country
which does not have a Second Amendment, but they had those guns,
anyway. How did they get them? Illegally, of course, again proving
laws against guns do NOTHING to stop criminals or terrorists from
getting them. Yet they
keep making them. (Daily Wire)
Thursday, February 22, 2018
Failure Upon Failure
The very people who FAILED to stop numerous mass shootings, and
simple armed robberies and murders now want us to believe they "know
better" as the debate on "gun control"
goes on, and on. The anti-gun fools have made, or caused to be made,
numerous "gun laws" that have FAILED to stop, or even slow
down those who wish to obtain a gun or guns for nefarious purposes.
Yet they pretend to know what's best for us. They refuse to even
CONSIDER arming many teachers and/or other school staff so
there would be armed people THERE in the school when a mass shooter
started killing students. The very fact that the killer cannot know
WHICH teachers will be armed, and ready to shoot him
before he can kill any more children is a PREVENTATIVE. He will go to
other places where the "no gun policy" is still in force
and leave those schools alone. No gun zones, which ALL schools are
today, are an "engraved invitation" to would-be killers
because they can be pretty sure there will be nobody there who is
legally armed,
and not in uniform.
That's one of the basic flaws in their thinking. I have been
preaching this for a long time, but those fools aren't listening.
They think they know better. Their minds are made up, and will not
allow facts to get
in their way.
We need to find better minds to work on the problem. They
say armed teachers "might" go crazy and BECOME mass
shooters if they had a gun to use. By that reasoning, any police
officer or other armed official "might" go crazy and start
killing people.
so what's the difference?
(Just common sense)
Constitutional Enforcement
We need to establish an organization charged with enforcing the
Constitution. This will not apply to the citizens. It will apply to
the POLITICIANS who knowingly pass unconstitutional laws and enforce
them until DECLARED unconstitutional by the Supreme Court, or even a
lesser court. The
problem now is that the Founders screwed up. They thought just the
fact that unconstitutional
laws could be nullified
by the courts, that that was enough. It is NOT. And the damage to
reputations, businesses, and
LIVES done by those unconstitutional laws remains long
they are
declared unconstitutional because unconstitutional laws can be
enforced for YEARS until the courts move--and the courts are
notoriously slow in doing their job. So many people and institutions
can suffer
BEFORE the unconstitutional laws are declared so. So we need somebody
to move in and STOP the enforcement of known
laws and PUNISH
the POLITICIANS who pass them.
The only reason they insist on passing them is they know they will
not be punished for doing so, and they can create all the havoc they
wish in the interim between passage and reversal. Then they can pass
ANOTHER unconstitutional law that does much the same thing
with "cosmetic differences,",
and enforce it until reversed--and again, and again.
California is an outstanding place where such action is required. (71/Republic)
"White Men Love Guns"
Sayeth a black man while cleaning one of his many guns, many of which
were illegally obtained, so as to defend himself against other black
men who would be shooting at him later. The anti-gun fools seize upon
anything to make people who want to retain the right to self defense
look foolish. That statement above will, of course, be called racist
by the fools who make up those things. But it's not. It's a
recognition of reality that MOST of the gun violence is created by
one or more black men shooting at another black man who is intruding
upon their "turf." I'm talking about gang members, who are
overwhelmingly black or Hispanic, definitely not white. They
love to promote the MYTH that "white men are gun crazy,"
but it is THEY
who have, and regularly USE guns, thus creating the NEED for white
men to have their own guns for self protection. The difference is
that most white men's guns are LEGAL, and they don't usually fight
over "turf." They're too busy earning a living. This is NOT
an indictment of ALL black men. Most are good, hard-working people
who contribute much to the community. this is about that smaller
subset of gang members. (Pacific Standard)
Wednesday, February 21, 2018
Trump's "Listening Meeting"
Trump held a gathering that included survivors of the Broward County
school massacre and everybody there demanded he "do something"
to keep things like that from happening. Only problem is, nobody but
the anti-gun fools and their dupes (which included most, if not all
the students) had any idea WHAT to do. And all they could come up
with was the old, tired ideas that
have never worked,
and they
*the anti-gun fools)
KNOW they never worked. Others had no idea what to do, but they
insisted they do SOMETHING.
I'm sorry for what they've lost. but what doesn't work doesn't work,
no matter how much you might want them to work.
I hear a lot about universal background checks, which MIGHT allow
the cops to find the shooter AFTER he has killed a bunch of people
(IF he in fact stood for one),
but does NOTHING to STOP such shootings. The Shooter in Florida had
his gun or guns ILLEGALLY. Which means he violated many laws in
obtaining them. Nobody knows how he got his gun or guns, or if they
do, they aren't talking. But the world is FULL of stories about
shooters who PASSED a background check because up to that time they
had not committed a crime.
That was tru of the killer in Las Vegas.
So either he passes one, or doesn't. And that has never even slowed
down a man who wants to commit mass murder and often himself does not
expect to survive. When they're out to commit mass murder, they just
don't care about a piddling
little law that says they can't be armed. They'll find a way. (Just
common sense)
It's An Obvious Scam
Just before the Alabama election that sent the first Dumocrat to the
Senate in years, somebody (unnamed, of course) sent word of a sexual
misconduct allegation against Dumocrat Chuckie Schumer. Then, almost
before the ink was dry in the newspapers, the accuser comes forward,
saying it wasn't true. That the whole thing was phony. Good of her. I
wish other so-called "accusers" would do likewise,
particularly on the Republican side. I'm sure they're there. This is
not to say that ALL the accusations are not true. It IS to say there
are way too many of them for all of them to be true, especially with
the story about a lawyer working HARD to get women to accuse Trump
just before the election, whether or not their accusations were true.
If there's one such attempt, there have to be more that haven't been
and paying huge sums of money for their "testimony," true
or not.
What's their purpose, you may ask? That's easy. since they got caught
up in their own scheme with numerous liberals in the movie, and other
industries being the subject of similar accusations, they want to
create a situation they can point to, to say that MAYBE all those
accusations against liberals are not true, while working HARD to make
the public think those against Republicans ARE true. (Fear and Blood)
"Armed Bear Escapes!"
It's true! Somewhere in Siberia, there's a bear who is armed with TWO
rifles! He (she?) stole them
from a secluded cabin when the occupant went to the creek and left
them in the cabin. How he carried them is not known. But the armed
bear escaped into the woods with the guns and some food. Actual
headline: "Beware Armed Bear Armed With Two Weapons Loose In
Siberian Region!" I guess there's not too much exciting news in
Siberia these days, now it's no longer a repository
for Russian "criminals." But, an armed bear? Will that bear
start hunting people with those guns? (Siberian Times)
Tuesday, February 20, 2018
They're Really Frightened
Liberals are badly frightened that conservatives might actually get
their message out, and they have nothing with
which to oppose it, except to shut them up. so everywhere ANY
conservative goes to speak on any college campus, they organize a
"demonstration" that often becomes a VIOLENT demonstration
to keep them from being able to speak. They have no real arguments
they can make for their side, so they sponsor violent demonstrations
to shut them up. They KNOW that if they are allowed to speak, many
students will realize how damned fool THEIR arguments are. so they
HAVE TO shut them up. In Berkeley, California (a "liberal Mecca)
students made such a violent protest
of one conservative speaker that the university canceled
many other conservative speakers to avoid another violent
"demonstration." In Portland,
Oregon, a demonstrator disabled the sound system to stop a
conservative from being able to speak. There's a liberal campaign to
get rid of freedom of speech. Liberals want no opposition to their
foolish stupidities
and they do violence to keep us from getting the truth out.
The Triumph of Fake Nws
Roy Moore losing the Alabama senatorial election by a SMALL margin
that was CREATED by the UNSUPPORTED accusations of sexual misconduct
40 YEARS AGO. Such accusations are part and parcel of the Dumocrat's
methods to win elections. The very fact that NO EVIDENCE is required
to ruin a man's reputation is KEY. The Dumocrats spread the story far
and wide, as if it were true, just because somebody ACCUSED him. Even
many Republicans "bought the bullsh-t." And so he narrowly
lost. They tried the same thing with Trump, but failed, because their
scam was so obvious in his case. Now they're trying to revive it,
hoping to get him impeached, or to resign. Good luck with that! Trump
has proven his resolve not to be swayed by their usual tactics. And
whether they like it or not, Trump IS president, for at least the
next four years, and probably the next EIGHT years, in spite of their
WORST efforts.
(Just common sense)
"Common Sense" Gun Control?
Talk about a contradiction in terms! Gun control itself is NOT
"common sense." The fools who call it that really ought to
be smart enough to understand that, but they aren't. Not one single
gun control law they've made has done a single thing to reduce "gun
violence," because they don't apply to those who do not obey
laws. They only apply to those who DO obey laws, and they are not the
show you how
stupid these people are, note this: they now want to ban or
As if a muzzle loader were actually something really dangerous
in this day and age.
It only takes a little longer to load one than it takes to play a
football game, and anyone who felt threatened by it could take a club
bash the brains out of the potential shooter while he's loading it.
We keep explaining their stupidity to the anti-gun fools, but they're
too stupid to take notice, or even try to answer our charges.
(Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Monday, February 19, 2018
Democrat Idiocy
The "Russian Connection" to put Trump in the White House.
It's inconceivable that the Russians would WANT Donald Trump in the
White House. It's much more likely they would want HILLARY to be in
the White House because she is a "dedicated socialist," and
socialism is just one form of COLLECTIVISM. Communism is another.
they both STEAL the fruits of the production of new wealth from those
producers, for the benefit of those who, for whatever reason, produce
NOTHING. If Hillary had been elected. by now we would probably be an
official socialist country--and Russia would love that. They would
think of Hillary as a "kindred soul." So why in HELL would
they EVER work to get Donald Trump elected?
Those who believe that are STUPID.
Dumocrats don't, but it's a good
excuse to avoid seeing the real reason they lost--Hillary's
incompetence as a candidate,
and the fact that Americans don't want another socialist president.
Trump has never said
there was NO Russian meddling
our elections. It's common knowledge they do. So do we interfere in
the elections held in other countries. Everybody
does it. What
he DID say is that there was no Russian collusion between HIS
campaign and the Russians. Of course, the liberals (Dumocrats)
twisted his words so they could "prove him wrong." So
Mueller indicted 13 RUSSIANS for election interference,
hoping that gullible Americans will think that proves their "Russian
Collusion" fairy tale.
So what? There is STILL no proof that they colluded with Trump.
And there won't be, unless they manufacture it with lying testimony,
not supported by facts. (Just common sense)
Tip of the Iceberg
A scheme to pay off women to accuse Trump of sexual misconduct has
emerged. Gloria Allred's daughter, Lisa Bloom has been working
feverishly to whomp up accusations off sexual impropriety on Trump's
part, just before the election,
without reference to whether or not the accusations were true. She
just didn't care, as long as she could get them
to accuse him. Proof was not needed, nor even asked for. In one case
she offered $750.000.00. That kind of money could buy a lot of lies.
If true, and I think it is, it CAN'T be the only such scheme out
there. Logic tells intelligent people if there is one such scheme,
there are many, all trying to SINK the election of Donald Trump to be
president. So how many accusations
of Republicans were "bought and paid for?" We don't know.
we'll probably never know. Did Dumocrats engineer the defeat of Judge
Roy Moore in Alabama the same way? Is this a routine Dumocrat scheme
to defeat Republicans that they, themselves got caught up in? Again,
we'll probably never know. They're usually too good at hiding their
corruption. (Liberty Headlines)
Banning Guns Won't Work
The theory pushing the anti-gun fools is that if they can get rid of
ALL the guns in the world (impossible), that will cause crime to dry
up. That shows a complete ignorance of how things work in the world.
First, there is NO WAY they will ever get rid of all the guns in the
world. Second, violent crime pre-exists guns by many years. Back when
guns were non-existent, thugs found other things to use in
victimizing the law-abiding. Such as swords,
and other kinds of knives. Swords and other bladed instruments have
been used for hundreds of years to victimize people. The only real
answer to guns in the hands of criminals is guns in the hands of the
law abiding, so they can defend themselves. Criminals will always be
able to get guns to use in committing their crimes. They buy them
ILLEGALLY, or just STEAL them. These people really should be
intelligent enough to understand that, but apparently they aren't. Or
they just want to "feel the power' of telling you that you
can't own a gun.
(America's First Freedom)
Friday, February 16, 2018
Now He's A Racist
Liberals are, even now, publishing stories (based
on claims by real white supremacists, of course) that the killer of
17 mostly kids in
Broward County, Florida
was a member of a white supremacist group. Anything to inject racism,
particularly the black against white racism, into it. That's their
story, and they're stickin' to it. The same people who would rather
crawl over broken grass than say the words, "Islamic terrorist"
easily buy this story.
Unfortunately, for them, the cops have a higher standard for
evidence. The cops tell us they have found NO EVIDENCE that he had
any connection to ANY "white supremacy" KKK-like group. But
they don't want to hear that, so they ignore it, or ridicule it,
claiming the cops are lying to hide his white supremacy. Lack of
evidence has never stopped liberals from pursuing a false narrative,
as witness the "Russian Collusion" narrative they've been
pursuing ever since Donald Trump was elected president. They still
can't figure out why, so they WANT to believe the "Russian
Collusion" scam. But
that's another story.
(Clash Daily)
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