Thursday, September 24, 2015

The Muslim "Master Plan"

Muslims plan on outnumbering us as soon as they can, and “taking over” that way, since they can't seem to do so by “force of arms.” We're just too strong, and too smart for that. So they're moving here by the millions, many thousands at a time. In at least one case (maybe many cases) PAID FOR by Obama with YOUR money, calling them “refugees,” when they're plainly not. They breed like rabbits and if it keeps up, I guarantee you there will be more and more trouble soon as Muslims INSIST on us adhering to THEIR “values,” not ours—and enforcing it by law after they attain a voting majority. We can stop that plan by banning Muslims from any elected or appointed office, and by withdrawing their “right to vote.” They'll cry like babies at that, but that's the only way to stop their “master plan.” They'll cry racism and/or religious bigotry, but is is NOT either. It's common sense and good practice to put a stop to their plans to “take us over.” They've managed to con a Muslim or Muslim sympathized into the White House, and he's doing everything he can to help their cause. (The Blaze)

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