Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Can't Make This Stuff Up!

Have you ever heard of “Vox?” I haven't. I had to look it up to see what it was. It is a liberal-oriented digital media outfit nobody ever heard of. They say the reason Ben Carson is so popular is because of racist Republicans. What? Never mind he is a very successful and well spoken brain surgeon who is not afraid to say what he means, even when Obama is sitting a couple of feet from him. Never mind he is articulate and well-informed, and actually ANSWERS questions, unlike Hillary, who avoids them like the plague and makes jokes, instead, any time she gets a REAL question about her many crimes. Forget the ONLY reason Barack Hussein Obama is president is because racist DEMOCRATS all voted for him because they were TOLD to, and thought they HAD to, to “keep the goodies coming.” Forget that the Democrat Party IS the “racist party,” and always has been. Jim Crow was a Democrat. The people Martin Luther King marched against were Democrats. There have been many known racists in Congress, who were Democrats, and were there until they DIED. Lincoln, the man who famously “freed the slaves” was a REPUBLICAN. Democrats still think they can make something so just by saying it—without ANY kind or PROOF, and repeating it, over and over. They're FOOLS and need to be “taken down a notch.” And the voters, who have had way too much of the socialism Democrats represent, will do just that in November, or I miss my guess. I've always said, “When fools speak, just shut up and let them confirm their STUPIDITY. That's what happened here. (Twitchy)

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