Tuesday, June 26, 2018

"There Is No Bias"

What a LOAD of BS that is! The Inspector General of the FBI, after detailing every "crime" committed by James Comey and other top FBI people to help Hillary win the presidency, he said, in the last paragraph of his report, that he had "found no evidence of bias on the part of the FBI." Who does he think he is kidding? The bias is so evident a five-year-old recognizes it. But not the IG of the FBI. He "didn't find bias" because he wasn't LOOKING for any. This is a typical DC "swamp" cover-up. Tell us all about what people did wrong, then tell us they didn't do anything wrong, and hope we'll believe it. I can't believe they think we're STUPID enough to believe this crap! I think the stupidity is on the IG's side, if he thinks that. We have been that stupid in the past, but we're "waking up" now, to their tricks. It is a usual governmental scam to have a government agency "investigate" itself. And when they come out with their whitewash, to BELIEVE it. That's over. We're "onto them." At least, SOME of us are. I can't speak for some of those who "pay no attention to politics." (Just common sense)

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