Monday, June 4, 2018

"Employment Without Respect"

Don Lemon dismisses Trump's historic employment numbers, saying, "What's full employment without respect?" What is it? It can be the difference between freedom and slavery. If black people have to depend on the government for their very daily bread, they will have to obey the ORDERS of that government. And you have to EARN respect. It is not GIVEN lightly. It is an INDIVIDUAL thing that depends upon the actions of the INDIVIDUAL. You don't get to DEMAND respect without respectful ACTIONS, and get it. Blacks who ACT in a respectful manner, and DO respectful things will GET respect. Full employment gives them the FREEDOM to make their own decisions. Lemon, like most liberals, thinks you should get respect without earning it. But that doesn't happen. If people DEMAND respect without doing what it takes to EARN it, it's not real. But that's okay with liberals. To them, perception is everything. If people ACT like they respect you while they really don't, that's okay with them. But that's NOT okay with human beings. (Just common sense)

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