Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Are We Nearing the End?

Every day I see a new disaster, of human (I think) making. From gay "marriage" to judges in the UK saying we need to do away with the "nuclear family." And on to "normalizing" the rape of CHILDREN. Men entering women's restrooms and dressing rooms unchallenged if they SAY they "feel like a woman that day," so they can ogle the naked young women there." Big box stores like Target having a POLICY to ALLOW such outrages. Already salacious fools have been found there with cameras to record it for "posterity" or just good masturbation fodder. Unhinged politicians working hard to destroy our borders to allow all and sundry to enter without any sort of "vetting." Which is serving to increase our "gang warfare problem" by allowing members of murderous gangs to enter unchallenged, to kill Americans, while being PROTECTED by the federal government and more than half the politicians in that cesspool in DC. Now they want to lower the voting age to 16 so that CHILDREN who haven't been ALIVE long enough to have learned anything can cast their vote in elections for ADULTS. Talk about creating your own problems! All these things, and more, have convinced me that if God exists, we need to construct a new Ark to hold the very few intelligent human beings before they perish at the hands of fools, so He can destroy the rest. (Just common sense)

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