Thursday, June 14, 2018

Liberals Really Hate Trump!

Why is that? Because he is systematically destroying the "Obama Legacy," one thing at a time, while creating his own "legacy" by doing the same thing Reagan did, but bigger, LOWERING taxes, while the Dumocrats "jump up and down," telling us they will RAISE our taxes--take more and more of our EARNINGS, if they manage to regain their lost majority in Congress. How that is supposed to get them elected, is beyond my comprehension. Trump promised to "drain the swamp," and that's just what he's doing. He has done more GOOD things in little over ONE YEAR than have ALL former presidents, in their entire terms. And that's with little or NO acknowledgment from the liberal media, help from Dumocrats, nor even Republicans, for the most part. Trump is a man who KEEPS his promises--unlike most politicians, who "promise you the world," but do NOTHING, once they get elected. They are MASTERS of "the stall" and "excuse-making." And that's what Dumocrats (and many Republicans) hate. They KNOW they're "the swamp," and that he will get to them soon--and that frightens them. So they want to undermine him before that happens. (Just common sense)

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