Thursday, April 19, 2018

Pushing Phony Racism

The liberals want us to believe that this country is irrevocably racist and was BUILT on "white privilege." But the facts deny that. Why is it, in a "racist country," the chief TV star (and a multi millionaire) is an overweight, black female who cries a lot and gives away cars? Why is it that there are so many black mayors, governors, and such in the south that they are uncountable? Why is it that what is expected to be one of the TOP grossing movies, so far, expected to earn $170 MILLION dollars in its opening week, is about a black country, and a black super hero (There aren't enough black people in this country to accomplish that, so lots of white people are seeing, and liking it)? Barack Obama, our first black president, assured us that if we elected him, we'd END racism in this country. So we elected him, and soon he was accusing all his opponents who disagreed with him and his policies of being racists, while his henchmen did the same with EVERY disagreement with liberal (Dumocrat) policies. Black people have more rights, more freedoms, today in America than they have ever had before. Some say blacks CAN'T be racists, while black professors advocate the KILLING of all white people. Evidence does not support the claim that this country is heavily racist, but they keep pushing that myth, anyway, and gullible people believe it. (Just common sense)

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