Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Are We A Racist Country?

Liberals are trying desperately to present America as a "hopelessly racist country." They're wrong. But they don't mind being wrong if they can sell the story to the gullible Americans who only pay attention to politics just before an election, when the lies are flying thickly. Yes, there is SOME residual racism left in this country, but it is on the wane. Otherwise,how could we POSSIBLY elect a black man to the presidency, no matter how STUPID that black man is? How could there be so many black mayors, governors, and lawmakers, not only in the North, but in Southern states, as well? States where, back in history, a black man couldn't even be allowed on the police force, and a black elected politician was unhear of? How do we have so many black senators and representatives? Yes, there IS a "rising racism" in America, and it is being pushed by racist BLACKS. It is racism against WHITES, promoted by such outfits as "Black Lives Matter." Some people are even advocating KILLING people whose only "crime" is the color of their skin (white). (Just common sense)

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