Friday, April 27, 2018

Cops Shot the Hero

In Amarillo, Texas, a gunman took 100 people hostage in a church. It had all the makings of a serious mass shooting until security "took him to the ground," a student wrestled his gun away from him. Then the cops arrived, saw that student with a gun in his hand, and shot him, Fortunately, not fatally. Their mistake was quickly discovered. But the national news media, run by liberals, failed to report that, since to report it would hinder their anti-gun narrative. Maybe the cops should have just ordered him to put the gun down, since he wasn't threatening anybody with it, But in a "seconds count" situation, you don't often have time to consider the options, so they shot him. He is "resting easy" in the hospital, and hopefully will not have any permanent damage from getting shot. But this is yet another "black mark" on the liberal media for not reporting it the way it happened. I hope that cop is truly sorry for his mistake. (Freedom Outpost)

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