Monday, April 9, 2018

"Animal Assad"

That's the new name President Trump has assigned to Bashir Assad, dictator of Syria, after he used poison gas, not on troops fighting him, but targeting CIVILIANS, killing many people, including many women and CHILDREN. It's time SOMEBODY did something about this CRIMINAL hiding behind his borders, and running rampant over his country. He has done this before, just not so brazenly. He is simply a CRIMINAL who "took over" the reins of government, and, like most dictators, commits mass murder all the time. Just ordinarily not as many dead in one day. He needs to be "overthrown" and given the Saddam Hussein treatment. And if he can't be found, imprisoned, tried, THEN hanged, just shoot him down like the mass murderer he is. Trump's new name for him is a "grave insult" to ANIMALS. President Trump has "called out", Putin by name for backing Assad. He failed to mention that Iran is also propping up this murderer. Syrian troops have "encircled" the town involved, preventing anybody from giving aid. Which just adds to the tragedy. (Axios)

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