Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Proud Climate Change Denier

The "climate change acolytes" describe those who haven't "bought" their swindle about global warming (now known as "climate change" because they discovered the globe wasn't warming, and hadn't for almost 20 years) as "climate change deniers." They use that as an epithet. An insult. But I look upon it as a compliment on my INTELLIGENCE as I look at the FACTS, not the LIES they put out, which are sworn to by their "bought and paid for scientists" who fear they'll lose their "grants" (bribes) if they don't agree. They are so desperate to discredit us "deniers" that they now want to make laws to JAIL those who disagree with their "religion." They can't answer us with TRUTH, so they now just want to shut us up. They don't remember that, in America, the First Amendment to the Constitution allows us the RIGHT to our opinion, and to express it, without government interference. They rely on the corrupt judges, appointed by liberal politicians, to uphold their scams. (Just common sense)

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