Friday, April 20, 2018

"Better Than Nothing"

That's what the anti-gun fools think, as they continue to make their FUTILE laws to take guns away from law-abiding citizens to make it easier for those who do NOT obey laws to victimize them with their ILLEGAL guns. Not a SINGLE anti-gun law has EVER done one thing to stop, or even slow down "gun violence." The basic flaw in their thinking is that their laws DEPEND on lawbreakers to obey their laws. They think if they "do SOMETHING," even If It's The wrong thing, it's better than nothing. It is NOT. What they do with their silly gun laws only causes more deaths, as lawbreakers victimize the law-abiding, who DO obey laws.

One of the biggest stupidities is the "gun-free zone," which purports to keep guns OUT of certain areas, but which does NOT. The "bad guys" SEEK OUT gun free zones in which to do their "dirty work" because they figure there is less of a chance there will be any guns there to oppose them. "Safe Storage" laws likewise only make it harder to get a gun into action fast enough to defend yourself against an ILLEGALLY-armed criminal, who doesn't bother to obey those laws and has his gun already in his hand. One of the stupidest laws I've ever seen is the one that allows concealed carry, but requires the gun carried to be UNLOADED. It's refreshing to see an article like the one liked here, because the writer seems to know whereof he speaks. Unlike most newspaper articles about guns. (Roanoke Times)

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