Thursday, April 26, 2018

Desperation Move

Bob Mueller, the "Special Counsel" who is "investigating" the "Russian Connection" to Trump in the 2014 election, has been diligently searching for ANY evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians in getting him elected. He has, in more than a year, found not a single shred of "evidence" of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians. He's getting desperate. Dumocrats who appointed him expected him to come up with, or MANUFACTURE, something they could use to "get rid of Trump," but he has failed to do so. So now he has indicted a bunch of Russians for spending money and buying ads to support Trump, while doing the same to OPPOSE him. The indictments are for "process crimes" like "wire fraud" and the like, and are applied to people who have had NO CONTACT with the Trump campaign or to Trump, himself. It is an effort to intimate there WAS a "Russian Contact" in that election. There WAS, but it was not the kind they wanted to find. The "Russian Collusion" was with the HILLARY campaign, and is PROVABLE. But they don't want that, so they IGNORE the evidence leading in that direction. They desperately hope against hope that one of the Russians will "confess" to being in contact with the Trump campaign that they can use to "take down Trump." (The Hill)

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