Thursday, March 15, 2018

Was Justice Scalia Murdered?

The US Marshal's Service, which is charged with protecting Supreme Court Justices, seemed to be singularly disinterested when notified of his death on that isolated Texas ranch. Whoever answered the phone was dumb enough to think it was "somebody in his entourage" who was dead, and it took them a long time to respond. That left many hours for people to over up any mistakes in his death. Like the fact there was pillow over his face when found. Another factor is that his "host" was a Dumocrat supporter, while Scalia's vote was very often a "thorn in Obama's side" in many things, and, his death left a vacancy on the Court that Obama figured he could fill with yet another liberal, making the Court a liberal-dominated court. Scalia was 79 years old, but he was a HEALTHY 79--except for the fact that he's dead. Obama tried hard to fill the vacancy, but was stymied by the Republicans, fortunately, and the conservative majority on the Court was maintained. But the inefficiency and seeming lack of interest is very suspicious. Liberals call asking questions about his death a "conspiracy theory." But there are many REAL conspiracies when powerful people die in unusual circumstances. (Conservative Tribune)

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