Tuesday, March 20, 2018

The Young Hate Trump

According to a few "surveys," a majority of young people don't like Trump, and want somebody--anybody--to run against him in a PRIMARY in 2020. Of course, there isn't a Republican who has one chance in hell of beating him. If there were, those 17 Republicans who ran against him in the elections he WON would have done a lot better than they did. But the whole thing here is that older, wiser people "surveyed" don't want him to have to run in a primary. They still like him, even more than they did when they elected him. Youngsters haven't been on this Earth long enough to know anything, and they've been subjected to the CONDITIONING they received in the liberal-run school system, so their thinking is all wrong, to begin with. They've been told, time and time again, by the liberal media AND their teachers and professors that Trump is insane, his health is bad, and he's on the verge of a heart attack, doesn't know what he's doing, and never should have been elected. (Just common sense)

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