Thursday, March 1, 2018

"Truth Is Hate Speech"

That's what the anti-gun fools want people to think, anyway. They are now saying that anybody who says criminals don't obey laws is spouting hate speech. There's one little problem with that: It's a LIE. They're trying to remove one of the truest statements in the "gun controversy." The FACT that criminals DON'T obey laws--ANY laws, doesn't seem to crack their stone-like skulls. Next, they'll come out with a statement that "no-gun zones" don't work is hate speech, too. Again, the problem is, it's a LIE. "No gun zones" not only DON'T work, potential mass shooters and other criminals SEARCH OUT "no-gun zones" in which to do their dirty work because they can be pretty sure none of the law-abiding folks there will OBEY the law and not be armed. So they can shoot people at will, with little danger to themselves. The anti-gun fools will try ANYTHING in their attempts to discredit pro-gun people. They lie, put out false figures, manipulate figures, etc. (Just common sense)

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