Friday, March 30, 2018

Using the Children

Word is, teachers ASSIGNED students to write letters to Congress ONLY in favor of gun control, and if they didn't write to the teacher's satisfaction, they would get a failing grade. If they wrote in OPPOSITION to gun control, they would fail. And these letters were passed off as the OPINIONS of those children in the liberals' attempt to destroy the Second Amendment of the Constitution of the United States. One cop found out what his child was FORCED to write, and called them on it. When the cop told the teacher his son would not be doing this assignment, the teacher said, "Okay." That the child would not be disciplined for not doing it. I guess, they hoped to minimize the outcry. They were asked if these letters were to be sent to Congress, but did not answer. This is yet another example of how liberals worked, on all levels to undermine Trump on everything he does, while destroying a constitutional guarantee. It's all part of their drive to USE children to prove their point. (Blue Lives Matter)

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