Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Socialism Is Theft!

Ben Shapiro said it best when he said, "The idea that I owe you something because you are here is theft." And that's what socialism, in all its forms, is--THEFT. Their very basic motto, "FROM each according to his ABILITY, and TO each according to his NEED," making NEED a DEMAND on the earnings of others, is thinly disguised THEFT, by the government. Collectivism, of which socialism is just one form, is just that: STEALING from those who EARN for the benefit of those who do NOT. Socialism has FAILED, everywhere it has been tried, eventually, because it PRODUCES nothing. It STEALS the fruits of production from those who produce new wealth, and give it to people who produce NOTHING, so as to buy their votes to keep corrupt collectivist (socialist) regimes in office, so they can continue giving them "other people's money." Why the victims buy the socialist idea, I don't know. I guess the socialist fools are just good salesmen. (The Blaze)

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