Wednesday, March 14, 2018

It's All They Want

One thing you can count on in DC today is that Trump will NEVER get the credit he deserves for the good he's doing. The Dumocrats want one thing: to be RID of Trump and his determination to "drain the swamp." Since most of them ARE "the swamp," they want to get rid of him before he gets to them. They've tried everything they could think of to discredit him so he can't "get them." They say he's crazy. That he's a racist, an imbecile, not competent to BE president. That his health is failing and probably will die before his term is up. Meanwhile, he is fast "draining the swamp," as he has promised to do. He whups them at every turn, and makes them look like the fools they are. He is proving himself to not only be a competent president, but that the Dumocrats are an incompetent political party. The more they rail at him, the less their chances to ever win back their majority--at least, so long as Trump has anything to say about it. (Just common sense)

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