Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Obama:" No Scandals"

Obama loves to go on TV and tell us there "are no Dumocrat scandals," and never were any during his administration. And many Americans believe him because they've never read about any in the liberal media. There's a good reason for that; the liberal media refuses to report on the MANY scandals that occurred, not only during his administration, but before--if they involved Dumocrats, not Republicans. If a Republican got into trouble, or was just ACCUSED of it, they played that up vastly, giving that story "wall-to-wall" coverage. Hillary Clinton was the purveyor of many "scandals," including "stacking the deck" against socialist Bernie Sanders, and trying her best to "fix" the election against now President Trump. Now MANY Dumocrats are being found to be connected to known racist white-hater, and known anti-Semite "Calypso Louie" Farrakhan. But will you read much about that in the liberal media? Not likely, since they're Dumocrats, after all. (Alan West Republic)

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