Monday, March 19, 2018

McCabe Didn't Lose His Pension

The liberal media LIED. Surprise, surprise! Andrew McCabe did NOT lose his pension by being fired before his retirement date. He DID lose some of his early entitlements (of course, he's worth $11 million) . Further, he didn't get fired by anything Trump did. He was fired after an investigation (that began BEFORE Trump was elected) by his fellow FBI people, who found that he had LIED in an investigation by the (Mueller/Obama appointed) Inspector General of the FBI. That's a lot different than what has been reported in the liberal media. which means they LIED in saying he had lost his pension. Now we come to the irony here. McCabe was fired by his own people after "due process," including recommendation by a review board in the FBI, because he LIED to the investigators. Michael Flynn has lost his house and is broke because the FBI accused him of lying when even his questioners thought he did NOT lie. Why did he plead guilty, you ask? Because he had come to the "end of his rope." He was RUINED because of nothing HE had done, and he wanted it to stop. Then we have Paul Manafort, who faces the possibility of jail time because of the actions of an out of control Special Counsel who just wants to "Get Trump," any way he can. I guess it just doesn't matter if you're guilty or not, in DC. If you're not a Dumocrat, anyway. (Rush Limbaugh)

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