Saturday, July 18, 2015

Won't Supply the Kurds

Obama is willing to supply the ISIS terrorists with the latest weapons and equipment (by ordering his troops to “cut and run” without taking them with them), but he's not willing to supply the Kurds, who are doing a good job of fighting ISIS using old “Soviet-style” weapons. They need more and better weapons, or they're soon going to be making no progress whatever. Maybe that's what Obama wants. The Kurds NOT to be able to slow ISIS down, or maybe even DEFEAT them. That is contrary to his wish to AID them (ISIS) in their efforts—which has become evident elsewhere. I think Obama is a covert Islamic terrorist who happens to be president of the United States. I think he STOLE both elections to get there. I think he's going to find some halfway valid reason to put off the new presidential elections as long as he can, until he becomes so strong he can eliminate them altogether, and we will have a caliphate with him as the Calif. What I just said will probably get me in prison, but I'm old enough not to give a damn. (Town Hall)

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