Friday, July 24, 2015

Wasting Time On Trifles

While the world burns, North Carolina is wasting time over a FLAG. Our PRESIDENT; our commander-in-chief, the “man in charge” REFUSES to admit that Islamic terrorists are AT WAR with us, while they wantonly rape and murder people by the thousands all over the world and promise to “fly the ISIS flag over the White House.” We're not far behind Greece when it comes to being BROKE, and Obama continues to spend money like water, even though we no longer have any and are a DEBTOR NATION, having to borrow from one of our main ENEMIES, communist China. The list of things he should be working on is endless, but all we're hearing about is getting rid of the Confederate Flag, and allowing two people of the same sex to “marry.” If we don't get ourselves into gear soon and start paying attention to the IMPORTANT things, we're “going down,” Some people call me stupid because I realize the truth. But the stupid ones are those who spend all their time and attention on unimportant trifles and criticize me for trying to warn them, while we”go down the tubes.” I'm glad I'm as old as I am. That means I won't be alive to see the collapse of America, which has already begun. (Just common sense)

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