Friday, July 24, 2015

Forgive Them? Not A Chance!

Many of the family members in the church shooting in S. Carolina say they “forgive” the shooter for killing their relatives. That goes along with a tenet of Christianity, This is the reason why so many Christians have been oppressed in history. They refuse to fight back, even when that's the ONLY thing that will help. I'm not an atheist. But my beliefs are a little different from those wimpy Christians who would FORGIVE somebody who wantonly KILLED them. Forgiving my ENEMY is not part of my religion. If somebody attacks me, I don't forgive them, I try to HURT them as much as I can. I use the same amount of force on them that they use on me. In fact, MORE. I don't “forgive” people for trying to hurt me. I try to hurt them in. If that makes some people mad, tough. That's the way it is. (Latin Post)

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