Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Baltimore PC Fired

They SAY it's because of the massive spike in homicides after that case where a man died after fighting with cops and in custody. People swear he died by police abuse, but I disagree. He accidentally killed HIMSELF while trying to create “evidence” the cops assaulted him, which is a common ploy by arrested criminals. But that's neither here, nor there. The homicide spike wasn't the fault of the PC. It was the fault of the POLITICIANS who agreed with the “kill the cops” crowd and “let the rioters express themselves.” The cops felt overly threatened and unable to do their jobs and the criminals felt EMPOWERED as a result. So they “went nuts” and started killing each other and others, which caused the spike. That PC would no more been able to stop it that he would have been able to stop a boulder three times his size from rolling downhill. He is just another VICTIM of the stupidity of Baltimore politicians (fortunately, not a dead one), who are ALL liberals. (Mail News)

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