Monday, July 20, 2015

Reality Intervened

A liberal judge (who “had it in for Dinesh D'Sousa) ordered a psychiatric examination for him. Unfortunately for liberals (and that judge, who was appointed by Bill Clinton), reality intervened and the doctors who did the examination all said D'Sousa was perfectly well-adjusted and was “suffering from NO psychiatric disorders.” which makes their “Soviet style” attempt to make him look insane because of his “right-wing views” as ludicrous as they are. D'Sousa'a problem is, he got too close to the truth in his film making, and liberals “took offense” and did everything they could to discredit him. Unfortunately for them, they couldn't do it. Reality seems to be a “sticky problem” for liberals when they try and discredit somebody getting too close to the truth about them. They'll probably come after ME next. (World Net Daily)

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