Thursday, July 9, 2015

Economic Incompetence

Greece IS bankrupt. They've closed their banks and limited the amount of money people can withdraw from their bank accounts. They refused to cooperate with the EU on keeping the money flowing to avoid bankruptcy altogether. Puerto Rico has ADMITTED that they could not pay their debts. I don't know if they have formally declared bankruptcy yet, but it's coming. The United States is on the BRINK of bankruptcy, but the incompetent Democrats still in charge are still spending money like water. They ignore the possibility of bankruptcy. This is sheer incompetence in government—and they blame us. They ALWAYS blame others for their ignorance and shortcomings, especially since Obama came along. And guess who will be bailing Greece (and Puerto Rico) out of its troubles? Us, of course. Whenever another government gets in trouble due to their incompetence, they come to Americas for help—and we always give it, whether or not we can afford it. (Yahoo Finance)

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