Friday, July 10, 2015

Obama Wants Your Guns!

And he's coming to get them, whatever subterfuge he must use. “Let's Not Mince Words. Barack Obama And His Far-Left Cronies Want Your Guns... And They're Not Going To Let That 'Pesky Second Amendment' Get In Their Way!" Recent events have obscured what is actually happening behind the scenes in Washington. Bolstered by the senseless tragedy in Charleston, South Carolina, those who 'never let a good crisis go to waste' are presently maneuvering behind the scenes to shove another gun-grab through the United States Senate.” Never mind that what they call “gun control laws” do NOTHING to control gun violence, and all they do is DISARM honest people and make them “easy targets” for the “bad guys” who have no trouble getting their guns in a back alley somewhere, buying them from other criminals—or just stealing them. And if they can't get their laws passed, they put so many “requirements” on the purchase of a gun that it becomes impossible to afford to anybody but the richest of people. So much for the laws being “equally applied.” (Freedom Outpost)

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