Thursday, July 9, 2015

Obama's "Accomplishments"

First, he spent us broke. It hasn't really shown up for the “average American” yet, but it will. Then he PURPOSELY lost two wars. Wars that many Americans gave their lives to win; then he allowed the Islamic terrorists in Benghazi to KILL our ambassador and three heroes who tried to save him, while simultaneously LYING to the American people about EVERYTHING. He has made this country a laughing stock internationally by his wimpy dealings with that Russian dictator and with the mullahs in Iran. Then he “sold us down the river” to that Cuban communist dictatorship, while systematically making this world a more dangerous place by DENYING the fact that the Islamic terrorists are a real threat, and REFUSING to CRUSH them while they're still small, and simultaneously SUPPLYING them with free arms and equipment by telling his troops to “cut and run” from Iraq and Afghanistan, leaving their weapons and equipment for the terrorists. Meanwhile, he's “dancing around the edges” of the terrorist war and doing no real damage while PRETENDING to fight. He uses the IRS to CRUSH any and all opposition to his policies. This fool is the biggest enemy we have, because he is “in control” of our government—at least, until next year (I hope). I know he's thinking HARD on a way to stop the election from happening for as long as possible. If he does, we need to impeach him as quickly as possible, and put him in PRISON where he can't do as much damage. Nixon did a lot less than he has already done, and they were ready to impeach him when he resigned. But he was a REPUBLICAN—what can I say? (Just common sense)

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