Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Margaret Sanger Was A Racist

She started Planned Parenthood so she could kill black and Hispanic babies legally. And it has done a beautiful job (if you think killing babies, black or white, is beautiful) ever since. Did you know that 79% of their “clinics” are in areas where blacks and Hispanics live (convenient, that)? In support of her new outfit she wrote an article titled, “Birth Control and Racial Betterment” Right....killing many black and Hispanic babies makes things all better). She was “a eugenicist who believed that through abortion, birth control, and forced sterilization society could “assist the [human] race in the elimination of the unfit.”  Sanger was also a rabid racist and a huge proponent of the forced sterilization program of the Nazi regime in the 1930’s.” Frankly, I'm not a bit surprised that the founder of a “baby-killing factory” was a rabid racist and a Nazi sympathizer. (Tea Party News Network)

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