Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Proof Gun Laws Don't Work

An illegal alien who has been CONVICTED of a felony before, and has been deported FIVE TIMES, who is not legally allowed to buy a gun, shot and killed a random woman, who died in her father's arms. Where did he get his gun? How did he get it? He was a known felon. Yet he had a gun and killed this girl right in front of her father. There is NO WAY this murderer should have been free under any circumstances. Not after being deported FIVE TIMES and still returning while being a convicted felon. This is evidence of many things. Among therm the INCOMPETENCE of the politicians in the federal; government, to govern. Another is their incompetence in thinking LAWS will stop criminals from having guns.

Their laws only serve to keep HONEST PEOPLE from having guns to use in defending themselves. This murderer is only ONE of 30,000 illegal alien convicted killers who are loose in this country, all released by Barack Hussein Obama. Murderers who have, since being released, murdered at LEAST 120 more people since their release. What Obama was thinking, I can't fathom. I'm not that stupid. Obama himself should be imprisoned, and suffer a death sentence for his part as an ACCOMPLICE in every one of these murders How many times do people have to die before the gun-grabbers stop being stupid? (Limits to Growth)

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