Friday, July 10, 2015


Now they're saying that “right wing extremists” (which, to them, are ALL people whose opinions are to the right of center) are more of a danger to America than Islamic extremists. What damned FOOLS they are! How many innocent people have the right-wingers MURDERED in cold blood for not believing the right way? How many large buildings in New York City have they brought down (killing 3,000 human beings) by flying airliners into them? How many countries have they taken over by force of arms? Somebody needs to clue the “powers that be” at the NY Times that the “right-wingers” are simply the “political opposition” to the criminal wrongdoing of Barack Hussein Obama. The man who loosed 30,000 convicted MURDERERS on this society? What the hell logic are they using to come to this conclusion? I think it's pure STUPIDITY on their part. They say “freedom of the press is only for those who own the presses.” Somebody needs to take their presses away because they use them to LIE to their readers on a regular basis. They say they're “The Newspaper of Record,” but that “record” is a dismal one. (Breitbart)

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