Thursday, July 23, 2015

Seattle: 'Sharia Compliant"

Never mind Sharia Laws is unconstitutional on its face. Seattle, the first American city to force its businesses to pay $15.00 an hour to people who aren't worth HALF that, is now introducing Sharia Law in Seattle. Democrat Mayor (what else?) Ed Murray has found that not enough Muslims were buying homes, and decided to do something about it. He is now ORDERING banks to restructure bank loans so as to exclude interest (the ONLY REASON to make them), since Muslims are forbidden by their “religion” to pay interest. They'll still charge for the use of their money, but they'll just call it something else. Typical liberal way to do things. If they don't like what it's called, just change the name. That will make the loans “Sharia compliant,” and further kowtow to Muslims in Seattle. I'd ask somebody to remind me never to go to Seattle, but I'll remember that without help. (World Net Daily)

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