Monday, July 6, 2015

Sodom and Gomorrah

If you're religiously leaning, you probably know about Sodom and Gomorrah, the city that was so sinful that God destroyed it. I don't know if that really ever happened, but if it did, America better watch out because its days are numbered, since one of the major arguments today is whether the same sex can not only have sex, but “get married,” too. And they not only want it to be “mainstream, but REQUIRED to be approved by everybody. Gay sex used to be against the LAW. But now it's not only “lawful,” but everybody who disagrees with it is labeled as a bigot. I guess the gays are getting their revenge now, for all those years they had to hide their proclivities. I have no problem with homosexuals, but I resent having it pushed in my face and being REQUIRED to approve. (1776 Coalition)

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