Tuesday, July 7, 2015


The “fix is in.” That's so obvious to thinking people, it's funny. The Supreme Court decided exactly the way Obama wanted, designed to make as much trouble as possible between gay and non-gay people and in NO WAY according to the Constitution, to keep their minds on that, rather than his crimes. So now “gay marriage” is “legal” in all 50 states (Obama will probably think it's 57 states), thus separating the country into TWO separate camps. Those who WANT it to be that way, and those who think being so is an abomination. In a liberal effort to CRUSH the opposition, some newspapers are now refusing to run ANY op-eds in opposition to “gay marriage.” One of the first is “PennLive/The Patriot News,” an obviously misnamed paper had the temerity to ANNOUNCE its new policy to CENSOR any op-eds or letters to the editor in opposition to “gay marriage. I'm sure others are doing it, too, but without an announcement.

'As a result of Friday’s ruling, PennLive/The Patriot-News will no longer accept, nor will it print, op-Eds and letters to the editor in opposition to same-sex marriage,' they declared.Before that, they said, “ 'From the edit: ‘PL/PN will no longer accept, nor will it print, op-Eds and letters to the editor in opposition to same-sex marriage.’ …This is not hard: We would not print racist, sexist or anti-Semitc letters. To that, we add homophobic ones. Pretty simple.' ” So now they're calling honest opposition to the redefiniation of “marriage” “homophobia” to disguise their violation of yet another constitutional guarantee, freedom of speech. So it is absolutely obvious that “the fix is in,” and we will be paying attention to, and arguing about, gay marriage” instead of keeping track of Obama's many crimes. (Town Hall)

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