Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Trump's Going to Win!

The Dumocrats are “up against a wall.” They’re LOSING again. President Trump is presiding over a BOOMING economy, with record low unemployment numbers after Obama told the nation that the jobs lost during his administration were gone forever. That they would never come back. But they came back. Lowered taxes have put more dollars in everybody’s pockets, and caused those large “wascally corporations” to give them raises AND bonuses. Something unheard of in recent memory. Meanwhile, Obama is scrambling to take credit for Trump’s economy, saying the booming economy is the “result of things I did.” Yeah, right. Why then were you preaching doom and gloom as “the new normal?” Obama KNEW that, if Hillary had been elected, she would have continued the policies that would guarantee the DESTRUCTION of the economy so she could move us to a socialist state. But Trump got elected, and has so successfully turned things around that Dumocrats can no longer hide the booming economy from voters. Dumocrats predicted a “Blue Wave” in the 2018 elections, but it ain’t agonna happen (it didn’t). (Just common sense)

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