Friday, November 9, 2018

Fake News Is Funny!

I can’t believe the anti-Trump fools are so stupid as to believe that a book, based on NOTHING, can bring a president down. Especially not a president that has had as much success as has this one. Bob Woodward’s book, “Fear,” has no real basis in fact, only based on UNNAMED sources, like much of the “fake news” out there today. They concoct a false narrative and publish it, basing their stories on ANONYMOUS sources, and we’re supposed to believe their crap. they’ve been using this scam for many years, because those gullible voters who pay no attention to politics until just before an election believe it. Well, more intelligent people who DO pay attention to politics have “come out of the woodwork” and have voted in a man who can whip them at their own game, because he has never operated in their bailiwick. He has operated in his own, and excelled at it. They can’t hurt him because he is smarter than they are, so they have no way of understanding what he is doing to them. They wish he’d use the old, “time-honored” political methods so they can stop him. But he uses his own methods, and they are incapable of improvising to match his moves. They pride themselves on being two or three steps ahead of their opponents, but Trump is 16 to 20 moves ahead of THEM. He whips them at every turn, and they spend most of their days in a daze, wondering what happened, and they will never know. (Great American Daily)

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