Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Beating the Racism Drums

Seems like liberals everywhere are trying as hard as they can to push the imaginary idea that racism is rampant in this country. They’re even teaching classes in college pushing that phony idea. In one college they have a class on ‘White Supremacy.” At the University of Pennsylvania, they’re holding an event on the “racist roots of Thanksgiving.” Only a fool would push the idea that the Thanksgiving holiday has “racist roots.” But there are liberals all over in colleges, creating silly things like that. The tragic thing is that we had almost eradicated racism as a major problem in this county, until Barack Obama started “beating the racist drums” by claiming racism every time somebody disagreed with him. We have more black politicians than ever in this country, today, mostly in the south, but not confined there. Yes, we’ve had only one black president (that we know of), but just about every second politician in Washington is black. The person who RAN the elections in South Florida that decided the elections there was black—and female. Almost every time I see a TV reporter interviewing an “important personage,” that person is black. It’s hard to convince people that racism against blacks is still rampant, so now they’re teaching racism against WHITE people, calling it “white supremacy.” They’re hoping to make the white race a “second-hand race” by claiming things are “white privilege,” stretching he truth to the limit, but they’re good at that. Look at the way they try to convince us there are more than two sexes, against all odds and biology. Any time somebody disagrees with that, they try to destroy them. (Legal Insurrection)

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