Friday, November 16, 2018

Inflation Is Government Theft

There is one cause of inflation: governments printing money with nothing valuable behind it. To do so reduces the value of every dollar now in circulation. It is PLANNED government THEFT. They even give it good-sounding names, such as “Quantitative Easing.” The government blames the “wage-price spiral” for it, but the wage-price spiral is only a SYMPTOM of inflation. When the dollar becomes worth less, people need to charge more for what they produce. That causes wages to rise so their employees can still keep up with rising prices. Then their employers need to raise what they pay to keep their employees. Then they need to raise their prices again. Ergo: inflation. The net gainer is government. And I think they planned it that way. There are way too many economic “experts” in government, not to understand how printing paper money not backed by anything valuable affected the money in circulation, while calculating how it could benefit government. As a way to CREATE billions of dollars in new wealth dishonestly, it is unique—and it is THEFT. If you had $100 at the turn of the twentieth century, that same $100 would no longer be worth $100 today. It would be worth less than a third of that. And the difference would go into the coffers of the government. It’s a “hidden tax” they could pass without involving Congress. And don’t think they don’t know that. (Just common sense)

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