Thursday, November 15, 2018

Liberal Name-Calling

Rush Limbaugh said it when he told us that, “A political discussion with a liberal will last only about thirty seconds before they run out of arguments [if they had any in the first place -RT] and start calling you names. Today, it doesn’t even last 30 seconds. They call you names before you even advance a logical argument. They write articles, even produce MOVIES calling you names, without ever logically examining your arguments. Such is the case with Michael Moore’s new movie, in which he calls President Trump a “Nazi,” one of their favorite insults that means nothing. But they don’t care, as long as it LOOKS like they’re winning the argument, without having to answer your arguments. Racist is yet another of their favorite insults. They call you a racist if you simply utter the word, “black.” Or “white.” Or just stand in one place and do nothing. Make an “okay” hand signal and they call it a “white power signal.” It doesn’t matter if there has never been such a signal. They SAY it is, and they expect the gullible to believe it, and that’s all that counts to them. (Reuters)

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