Friday, November 16, 2018

Politicians Never Learn!

Chicago is one of the worst cities to live in if you value your life, because, in spite of draconian anti-gun laws, they have one of the highest numbers of people shot in the nation. People (mostly gang members) routinely IGNORE their “gun laws” and continue to shoot one another with abandon. So Dumocrat Mayor Rahm Emanuel wants to make more of them. Never mind they don’t work worth a damn. I hate to say a politician is STUPID, but I can think of no better way to describe such stupidity as this. In just one weekend recently, 70 PEOPLE were shot, and 12 KILLED. There are WAR ZONES with fewer such reports! Anti-gun laws plainly do not work! But stupid politicians such as Rahm insist on making more and more of them, while people get killed as a result. The only people in Chicago who DON’T have guns are the law-abiding. So the lawbreakers can “run roughshod” over them with their ILLEGAL guns. I have a nephew who lives in Chicago, and I fear for him. He usually doesn’t go into the worst areas, but there’s always the chance that a gang shooting could happen even where he frequents. Those gang members shoot each other every day, not caring if they shoot and kill innocent people “by accident.” (Just common sense)

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