Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Walking Out Is A Tactic

Dumocrats—and even some Republicans, are criticizing President Trump for “walking out” of the meeting with Kim Il Stupid, never realizing that this master negotiator is merely utilizing a basic tactic in negotiations, that of “walking out” so his opponent must do something different in order to continue the negotiations. The very first book I wrote, “The Horse Trader’s Bible” (never published, because of a dispute with the publisher), sub-titled, “How to Beat the Car Dealer At His Own Game,” emphasized that point. At some point, Kim will “come around” to Trump’s way of thinking as a way to stay alive and in power without “losing face.” They just will not admit that Trump is a master negotiator and does not operate the same as most politicians. President Reagan was also a master negotiator, and when he “walked out” of negotiations in Reykjavik with Russia, he won the “cold war,” bringing down the “Iron Curtain.” The very fact both presidents have won big victories (or soon will) with this tactic falls on deaf ears in “the swamp,” and they try to use them as criticism they hope will END that president. And they’re wrong, every time. (Legal Insurrection)

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