Friday, March 15, 2019

Exposing Abortion As Murder

We should all applaud those new laws in Virginia and New York, allowing the murder of babies that have survived the attempted abortion and did not kill them. Why? Because this has revealed the liberals for what they are: baby killers. Liberals called returning Vietnam soldiers “baby killers” when they were not. Now THEY are the REAL baby killers, and they don’t care if we know it. They think their stance allowing the MURDER of helpless, innocent infants will not hurt them at the polls, but they’re wrong. It will hurt them terribly. And if it doesn’t, I will be glad when my time comes, I will not wish to be alive in a world where murdering innocents is lawful. Dumocrats have been so successful (with one notable exception) at the polls lately, in spite of their “hair-brained ideas,” they think they can do ANYTHING and still get elected. I hope and pray they’re wrong. It “triggers” me that we have elected so many fools to office already, even though most of them stole the elections they were in. We need to really become aware of just how widespread election fraud is, and who is the most guilty. For our own good. (Town Hall)

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