Friday, March 22, 2019

Democrat Impossible Dream

Somebody needs to force politicians to learn something about economics before they’re allowed to run for an office that allows them to get laws made that will BANKRUPT this country. So far, almost all Dumocrat presidential candidates want some form of socialism, like “universal minimum pay,” whether they work, or not. Dumocrat presidential candidate (among many) Andrew Yang (who?) wants to give “every American” $1,000 a month minimum. Where he figures to get this money is in doubt, because who would be working if they got paid NOT to work? You gotta steal it from somebody, and with EVERYBODY getting $1,000 a month, nobody would be working. Thus, there would be NO MONEY to support this. This is an economic FACT that they ignore. There is NO WAY this can work, but they refuse to admit it. It’s like most of their dreams. Many of them want to pay the tuition for every student to go to college. Again, where is the money going to come from? They don’t know. So they deflect any questions asked about that. (Story Warrant)

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