Monday, March 4, 2019

"To Get things Done"

Former Colorado Governor Hicknpooper—er, uh, Looper, says he saw “a wish for somebody like him as president everywhere I went.” He must have been looking in a mirror a lot. He also said people want not only “somebody who can beat Trump, but who can get things done.” What the hell does this fool think Trump has been doing for the last two years? Obama told us his miserable economy was “the new normal.” That “prosperity was a thing of the past, and would not return.” So Trump “took his magic wand” and BROUGHT it back. We are now in a “boom economy.” Unemployment is at record lows, while millions of jobs Obama said were “never coming back,” --came back. Obama also said those manufacturers who left America would not come back, either—but many of them ARE. And there are dozens of other demonstrations that we HAVE someone in office who can “get things done,” and we don’t need Hickenp—looper to mess things up as Dumocrats always do.

I lived in Colorado while he was governor, and I know how incompetent he was. I had to shake my head often as he ran rampant making new tax laws. He makes good beer—if you like that sort of thing—but he was NOT a good governor, and would NOT make a good president. Maybe he wouldn’t be as bad as Obama (Obama set a new standard for incompetence—if he didn’t do all those stupid things on purpose), but, as president, he would be a disaster. He cites a “Crisis of Division,” never mentioning it has been CREATED and maintained by the Dumocrats, and exists ONLY among Dumocrats. Trump maintains high approval ratings. The liberal New York Times says when he left office, Colorado had one of the best economies in the nation, based on nothing except their imagination. They cite a few of his “accomplishments,” and they are all Dumocrat (liberal) pipe-dreams. No figures are offered. (New York Times)

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